Showing posts with label IBPS PO. Show all posts
Showing posts with label IBPS PO. Show all posts

May 6, 2013

कमाल करती हो अम्मा ,हम इतनी देर से सुई

एक बार किसी गाँव में एक बुढ़िया रात के अँधेरे में अपनी झोपडी के बहार कुछ खोज रही थी .तभी गाँव के ही एक व्यक्ति की नजर उस पर पड़ी , “अम्मा इतनी रात में रोड लाइट के नीचे क्या ढूंढ रही हो ?” , व्यक्ति ने पूछा.

” कुछ नहीं मेरी सुई गम हो गयी है बस वही खोज रही हूँ .”, बुढ़िया ने उत्तर दिया.

फिर क्या था, वो व्यक्ति भी महिला की मदद करने के लिए रुक गया और साथ में सुई खोजने लगा. कुछ देर में और भी लोग इस खोज अभियान में शामिल हो गए और देखते- देखते लगभग पूरा गाँव ही इकठ्ठा हो गया.

सभी बड़े ध्यान से सुई खोजने में लगे हुए थे कि तभी किसी ने बुढ़िया से पूछा ,” अरे अम्मा ! ज़रा ये तो बताओ कि सुई गिरी कहाँ थी?”

” बेटा , सुई तो झोपड़ी के अन्दर गिरी थी .”, बुढ़िया ने ज़वाब दिया .

ये सुनते ही सभी बड़े क्रोधित हो गए और भीड़ में से किसी ने ऊँची आवाज में कहा , ” कमाल करती हो अम्मा ,हम इतनी देर से सुई यहाँ ढूंढ रहे हैं जबकि सुई अन्दर झोपड़े में गिरी थी , आखिर सुई वहां खोजने की बजाये यहाँ बाहर क्यों खोज रही हो ?”

” क्योंकि रोड पर लाइट जल रही है…इसलिए .”, बुढ़िया बोली.

मित्रों, शायद ऐसा ही आज के युवा अपने भविष्य को लेकर सोचते हैं कि लाइट कहाँ जल रही है वो ये नहीं सोचते कि हमारा दिल क्या कह रहा है ; हमारी सुई कहाँ गिरी है . हमें चाहिए कि हम ये जानने की कोशिश करें कि हम किस फील्ड में अच्छा कर सकते हैं और उसी में अपना करीयर बनाएं ना कि भेड़ चाल चलते हुए किसी ऐसी फील्ड में घुस जाएं जिसमे बाकी लोग जा रहे हों या जिसमे हमें अधिक पैसा नज़र आ रहा हो .

Mar 28, 2013

Bank of Baroda (BOB) Has Announced their Dates for Joining

Recruitment of -1530- Probationary Officers - Project 2013

Selected candidates allotted to Bank of Baroda can join the Bank on one of the following four dates:

* 22-04-2013
* 06-05-2013
* 20-05-2013
* 15-07-2013

These candidates will be required to submit their preferred date of joining among the four dates mentioned above on or before 30-03-2013. However, Bank reserves the right to give any specific date based on merit and the decision of the Bank in this regard will be final and binding.
Roll Number

Mar 14, 2013

The following points could be the reason for the revise allotment...

The following points could be the reason for the revise allotment, may be any one or two or may be all.

1- Consideration of some OBC/ST/SC as UR category.

2- Discrepancy in the Allotment to Candidates, as Top Combined Scorer didn't got their first preference. They might have allotted the seat first to Reserved candidates than to UR Candidates.
3- The list which is sent to different banks after allotment are rejected by different banks due to eligibility criteria not matching as per their banks rules.

4- There has been some mistakes while allotment by IBPS. Giving seats to candidates. some minor mistakes

For everyone.
Who is in the waiting list including Me.

The allotment has been done for now.
If you are not selected.
Yup. It is true, that now chances are low.

Now bravely speaking, lets focus on next exam.

Accept and move on.

If you want, i can also give some motivational speech that dont loose hope and chances are there or something like that.

But i think its not fair to show some unnecessary sympathy.
So lets try and prepare for the next exam.

All the best.

Mar 13, 2013

IBPS CWE PO/MT-II: Allotment process Completed

IBPS has completed the allotment process of IBPS PO 2 and candidates have been sent the SMS and Emails regarding this.

Please check your email to know the final status of your application. Successful candidates should receive email by late tonight or tomorrow.

Many congratulations to all the successful candidates!

Feb 24, 2013

No Final Ranks declered by IBPS , Complains to Cybercrime About Websites

guess what kept candidates busy after final combined scores for PO recruitment were out on IBPS website. they flocked onto social networks asking - What is my rank ? Thanks to some bank job related websites who started circulating lists called as candidate rankings . Complaints properties says an official from Ibps.


SOON after the final results were out a specific website had created a separate page revealing personal details of applicants . here is conversation between two people in an online dissuasion forums.

Merit followed by preference

to get a clear picture on the process of preference and its effect on allotment , we requested for the detaied procedure :

1.a person with high score is sure to get the bank of his/her choice.
2.if there are no vacancies in their 1st preferred bank,its checked with 2 nd choice then 3rd & so on this manner the top 22412 candidates shall get bank jobs.
4.since the validity of scores is one year there could be drop out & new vacancies announced . such case a waiting list shall be prepared form the remaining qualified candidates , he ecplained

Feb 23, 2013

नये बैंक लाइसेंस से बैंकिंग सेवाओं का होगा विस्तार...

नये बैंक लाइसेंस से बैंकिंग सेवाओं का होगा विस्तार:

निजी क्षेत्र में नए बैंकों के लिए लाइसेंस जारी करने के अंतिम दिशानिर्देश जारी होने का उद्योग जगत ने स्वागत किया। उद्योग मंडल एसोचैम ने आज कहा
कि इससे बैंकिंग सेवाओं का विस्तार करने में मदद मिलेगी।

... एसोचैम के अध्यक्ष राजकुमार धूत ने कहा कि इससे ना केवल बैंकिंग सेवाओं का विस्तार करने में मदद मिलेगी, बल्कि स्वस्थ प्रतिस्पर्धा को प्रोत्साहन मिलेगा। उन्होंने कहा कि साथ ही मौजूदा गैर बैंकिंग वित्तीय कंपनियों (एनबीएफसी) को बैंकों में तब्दील होने की अनुमति देने संबंधी प्रावधान किए जाने से एनबीएफसी क्षेत्र की मांग भी पूरी होगी।

उल्लेखनीय है कि रिजर्व बैंक ने नए बैंक लाइसेंस जारी करने के लिए शुक्रवार को अंतिम दिशानिर्देश जारी कर दिए, जिसमें निजी और सार्वजनिक क्षेत्र में कंपनियों के साथ साथ एनबीएफसी को बैंकिंग क्षेत्र में उतरने की अनुमति दी गई है।

रिलायंस कैपिटल के सीईओ सैम घोष ने कहा, हम नए बैकिंग लाइसेंस दिशानिर्देशों का स्वागत करते हैं। ये दूरदर्शी हैं और रिलायंस कैपिटल बैंकिंग लाइसेंस के लिए आवेदन करना चाहेगी।

रिजर्व बैंक ने 1993 में निजी बैंकों को अनुमति दी थी और आखिरी बार 2001 में दो इकाइयों कोटक महिंद्रा बैंक और यस बैंक को लाइसेंस जारी किए थे।

Feb 18, 2013

IBPS PO CWE 2012 - Interview Results and Final Selection Cut-Off Marks !!

IBPS has released the results for Common Interviews conducted between Jan 14 - 31, 2013 for PO-MT CWE 2012 for which written test was conducted on June 17.

Vacancies Statement

IBPS on Feb 05, announced a total of 22415 PO Vacancies in 20 Participating banks. It was the first time ever that so many vacancies were announced altogether. Candidates that attended common interviews were excited at the news of number of vacancies.
Common Interviews and Results

As per official data, around 63000 candidates were qualified out of over 7 lakh that appeared in the common written exam on June 17. Again, around 20 % were absent during interviews so about 50000 attended the interviews.

Also, about 4000 could not qualify the interview so final merit has about 46000 candidates. Looking at the vacancies (22415 Total), we find that one out of every two candidates passing in both Written and interview would get the job in any of banks. The Interview Results can be seen from here.

Interview Scores calculation

Interview scores are normalized from total 100. Many candidates have queries about how their score is calculated. We are showing how the marks are calculated and normalized to 100.

The weightage for written and Interview is 80:20 respectively. So out of 100, 80 marks are for written and 20 for Interview.

While the written was of total 250 marks and interview was of total 100 Marks. So marks for written were converted from 250 to out of 80 and interview marks were converted from 100 to out of 20.

The formula used is - ((CWE Marks/250)*80) + ((Interview Marks/100)*20).

For example, if your written marks were 160 and interview marks are 60. Then your total score out of 100 would be - ((160/250)*80) + ((60/100)*20)= 63.2

Expected Final Selection Cut-Off Marks

Here is the interesting part, our experts analyzed the scenario and reached upon a conclusion of Cut-off marks for final selection in each category and we are showing them.
Category Vacancies Number of Candidates passing in Both CWE and Interview Cut-Off Marks for Selection Expected Cut-Off Marks after Reduction due to Various Factors** (See Note Below)
General 11058 21460 60.28 58
OBC 6062 14842 59.32 57
SC 3409 6988 56.16 53
ST 1886 2169 47.68 45
Total 22415 46123 (With 664 PWD)

* The Above data is based upon the assumption that every qualified candidate in the category opts for a vacancy. However that is not the case, there a few variations as noted here -
1. Many candidates qualified in IBPS PO are also selected in SSC CGL 2012 Exam which will be preferred in most cases by candidates. So, many candidates won't opt for the IBPS PO vacancy.
2. Many Reserved Category candidates will be considered for General Category due to improper certificates or due to candidate's own choice. So Cut-offs in general may go higher and those in Other categories may go lower than these expectations.
3. Some candidates may get disqualified due to some reasons.
* So we expect candidates with following cut-offs may expect selection in first go - General - 58, OBC - 57, SC - 53, ST - 45.
* Again, it is to be noted that there will be subsequent waitlists issued by IBPS till March 2014. So, candidates below these marks may expect selection through those Waitlists to be issued later. For cut-offs for selection through Waitlists, reduce 2 % from cutoff marks for corresponding category.

The Road Ahead

Candidates will now feed their preferences among the participating banks from Feb 20 - 28 and the allotments will be in march.

Afterwards, common interviews for Clerical CWE - II in April will follow. There will be around 1 lakh candidates competing for about 30000 clerical Vacancies.

All The Best!!

Feb 16, 2013

From IBPS- There are 4 type of results:

From IBPS-
There are 4 type of results:
1. Thank you for appearing for the Common Interview for recruitment of Probationary Officers/ Management Trainees (CWE-POs/MTs-II).
We regret to convey that you have not obtained the required qualifying marks in interview. We wish you all the best in your future endeavours.
2. You have been found ineligible for recruitment of Probationary Officers/ Management Trainee...s (CWE-POs/MTs-II) as per the documents/ credentials submitted by you.
3. (i)You will be eligible (subject to further scrutiny) for further selection processes under this project subject to vacancies identified.
Candidature may be cancelled at any stage of the process due to non-production of relevant documents in support of identity/ eligibility.
(ii)Please refer to the Notification on IBPS website/ Employment News regarding vacancies in Participating Organisations and process for registering preference for Participating Organisations.
(iii)If a candidate who is successful in interview does not
(i) exercise the option of indicating preferences through the prescribed process and/ or
(ii) avail the offer of appointment from the Participating organisation he/she will forfeit his/her candidature/ chance for the process.(iv)The minimum qualifying marks in interview is 40% for General (35% for SC/ST/OBC/PWD category.
4. Your combined result for CWE and Interview held for CWE-POs/MTs-II for recruitment of Probationary Officers/ Management Trainees has been withheld pending resolution/ determination of your eligibility for the process.
Experts Opinion Cut-Off
Category wise:General – 52
OBC – 48
SC/ST – 45
(Acc. to Stats provide by IBPS Candidates)
Chances of Selection:
In interview 20% candidates were absent and so candidates having combined percentage above 58% will come in under 12000 rank.
For Gen , Candidates getting above 58% will surely get bank allotment.
Rest till 55 % will get allotment in waiting list.
For OBC, Candidates getting above 57% will get selection.
For SC/ST, Candidates getting abbove 52% will get selection.

How to submit Bank preference:Candidates you have to be very careful while opting for bank as competition is very high.
Keep following points in mind while giving preference for banks:
1.Give preference after evaluating your rank and banks ranking and popularity.
Eg:Rank 5000 (66-69%) can go for Corporation,Canara,syndicate,Allahabad etc.
2.If you want posting in your region look for banks business in your region, look for news regarding opening of new branches in your region,No of branches in your region etc. this way you can estimate the requirement for a PO in that region.
3.Choose bank which has good profits in last year/quarter.
12 hours ago · Like · 4

Feb 15, 2013